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Katelijnsesteenweg 53, 2570 Duffel 015/31.13.99 info@vandevelde-fietsen.be

Our Testmonial

What Saying Our Customers

  • Great company that has gone above and beyond. We were very impressed with the quality and speed of our project! offer span furniture and many accessories.

    Adarm Smith –
    Art Designer
  • Great company that has gone above and beyond. We were very impressed with the quality and speed of our project! offer span furniture and many accessories.

    William Sone –
    CEO & Funder
  • Great company that has gone above and beyond. We were very impressed with the quality and speed of our project! offer span furniture and many accessories.

    Martha Maldonado –
    Lead of Technical
  • Great company that has gone above and beyond. We were very impressed with the quality and speed of our project! offer span furniture and many accessories.

    David Markers –
    Tool Customer

    Prettige vakantie!

    Wij gaan er even tussenuit! Verlof van 12 juli tot en met 24 juli 2022. De winkel zal terug open zijn vanaf 27 juli.